Why run for office?

It is important to have a voice on the Commission that looks at things from a citizen’s viewpoint. Our current board has over 100 years of experience working in government jobs and/or elected positions. This is not necessarily bad but having a broader base of experience on the board encourages more robust dialgue, new ideas, and challenges the status quo.

The County Commission position interests me because I enjoy working on local issues and want to do what I can to ensure Leavenworth County remains a wonderful place to live. Plus, I am still fairly young (age 62) and have the energy, good health and desire to do more for my community.

Some of the issues and projects that I have been involved with include:

  • Collecting signatures for a petition to expand the Board of County Commissioners from 3-to-5 members;
  • Organizing to oppose a local urban growth agreement that would have affected persons living in the 3 mile radius outside of Basehor;
  • Participating in the Leavenworth County Comprehensive Plan visioning sessions as a citizen advocate;
  • Writing a grant to improve fish habitat and organizing trash pickup at Leavenworth State Fishing Lake;
  • Providing testimony to state legislative committees for redistricting maps and bills related to urban growth;
  • Writing letters to state legislators and BOCC regarding property tax relief;
  • Researching and providing written response to Kansas Department of Health and Environment regarding a pollution concern;
  • Providing written and/or verbal public comments on subdivision regulation changes, rezones, comprehensive plan, televising work sessions, and the budget; and
  • Participating in a focus group as a citizen advocate for the countywide transportation plan.

Please note I have no ties to local businesses or organizations that do business or provide services within the county.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please reach out to me. My contact information can be found on the “About” tab of this website.

I appreciate your support!